Handcrafted with Love


At Studio Asobi, we believe that there is a place in this world for beautiful creations crafted by hand – slowly, lovingly and uniquely.

Our clay vessels each bear a name and a little haiku, and just as we have enjoyed making them, we hope that they bring the same joy to whoever holds and uses them.

The pictures below are a glimpse of our pottery works and creative process. Larger sculptures and installations can be found here.

We welcome you to join our pottery journey too, with our individual workshops, corporate sessions, or spiritual retreats

Waiting is never easy. Especially when there is no definitive answer nor specific end in sight. 

Whether it is waiting to gain clarity or for the fog to lift; waiting for that somebody, or for change to happen, we often wish for things to happen as soon as possible. 

It is simply hard to just wait. Yet, what if all that waiting serves a purpose? What if the waiting was for our own hearts to change? What if we can be more at peace while waiting? 

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope” - Psalm 130:5

Let's come together in this season of Lent to find rest in our souls, and to explore this theme of waiting through the moulding of clay. 

#retreat #rest #soulcare #pottery

Waiting is never easy. Especially when there is no definitive answer nor specific end in sight.

Whether it is waiting to gain clarity or for the fog to lift; waiting for that somebody, or for change to happen, we often wish for things to happen as soon as possible.

It is simply hard to just wait. Yet, what if all that waiting serves a purpose? What if the waiting was for our own hearts to change? What if we can be more at peace while waiting?

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope” - Psalm 130:5

Let`s come together in this season of Lent to find rest in our souls, and to explore this theme of waiting through the moulding of clay.

#retreat #rest #soulcare #pottery

Anyone tried this pose yet?

We've been slow in getting our son to become a full fledged Studio Asobi apprentice because we haven't quite figured out how to nurture him in a way that will help him enjoy the work we do in the long term. So for now, we only try to teach him when he really asks for it! It's not easy, though, to teach a child the electric wheel when he is still pretty short! So after a bit of trial and error, we co-created a posture that for now gives him maximum stability - one hand against the splash pan, one knee up like a coffeeshop uncle to support his other arm. Not sure if this is the most sophisticated way to pull a cup but it works!

There was a period, in the first few years of our marriage, when I balked at the idea of having a child. And a period, shortly after Tobie was born, when I just felt overwhelmed by the challenges of parenthood. Perhaps there will come a time when I will feel overwhelmed again, but for now it is just such a joy to go on this adventure of life together with Huiwen and Tobie. Ok most of the time - sometimes I just want to curl up and sleep and let Huiwen settle all the homework that hasn't been done!

He's our child, but he's also not ours, in a sense. God has given us the privilege of accompanying him for hopefully a good part of his life before he takes on this world by himself. We've discussed a fair bit about what is important during this period, and of course nobody really knows the answer, but I do hope that he will grow up to know that God loves him, and that we love him. And that because of this, he too can love those around him with fullness of heart, calmness of mind, and his own unique pose!

Anyone tried this pose yet?

We`ve been slow in getting our son to become a full fledged Studio Asobi apprentice because we haven`t quite figured out how to nurture him in a way that will help him enjoy the work we do in the long term. So for now, we only try to teach him when he really asks for it! It`s not easy, though, to teach a child the electric wheel when he is still pretty short! So after a bit of trial and error, we co-created a posture that for now gives him maximum stability - one hand against the splash pan, one knee up like a coffeeshop uncle to support his other arm. Not sure if this is the most sophisticated way to pull a cup but it works!

There was a period, in the first few years of our marriage, when I balked at the idea of having a child. And a period, shortly after Tobie was born, when I just felt overwhelmed by the challenges of parenthood. Perhaps there will come a time when I will feel overwhelmed again, but for now it is just such a joy to go on this adventure of life together with Huiwen and Tobie. Ok most of the time - sometimes I just want to curl up and sleep and let Huiwen settle all the homework that hasn`t been done!

He`s our child, but he`s also not ours, in a sense. God has given us the privilege of accompanying him for hopefully a good part of his life before he takes on this world by himself. We`ve discussed a fair bit about what is important during this period, and of course nobody really knows the answer, but I do hope that he will grow up to know that God loves him, and that we love him. And that because of this, he too can love those around him with fullness of heart, calmness of mind, and his own unique pose!

医治 (Healing) has been a word on my mind over the past months as we worked on resolving a health challenge for a family member. 

The "secrets" to a healthy life are actually not secrets at all because they are widely known and promoted. When practiced, we see the fruits by way of healthy seniors who remain mentally sharp, emotionally happy, physically fit, relationally supported and spiritually fulfilled. 

It is not easy you may say, and that is true. Knowledge is empty except when they are put to practice. With many good goals in life, there are 1000 ways to deviate, leaving a narrow and straight path to reach the desired destination. Unmet new year resolutions are a classic example of how we desire to get rid of bad habits and to create new good habits but the flesh is weak and the self-control lacking. 

Having said that, there are still many ways to stay on the narrow and straight path if we understand the root principles. It is a little like pottery, in the sense that there are many techniques to make the same cup and we have freedom to explore which techniques are more suited to our own temperaments and circumstances. 

Because of our family members' health challenges over the years, we have gained some understanding of what works and what doesn't work (and we are still trying to get more healthy ourselves too!). 

Emotions play such a big part and this is known but still overlooked. Perhaps it needs to be explicitly stated in the prescription! E.g. laugh heartily for as many times a day, avoid being triggered with anger, let go of unforgiveness, and do not worry etc. 

In this rainy season where skies are dark and gloomy, may we each find our piece of sunshine wherever we are. Look at the flowers of the field, look at the birds of the air, look at beauty in nature that refreshes our spirits and which teaches us about the cycles of life and death. 

Each day is a gift of life and may we learn from the hearty laughs of children that wonder and joy can be found in the smallest of things. May God bless you and heal you in your area of need. 


医治 (Healing) has been a word on my mind over the past months as we worked on resolving a health challenge for a family member.

The "secrets" to a healthy life are actually not secrets at all because they are widely known and promoted. When practiced, we see the fruits by way of healthy seniors who remain mentally sharp, emotionally happy, physically fit, relationally supported and spiritually fulfilled.

It is not easy you may say, and that is true. Knowledge is empty except when they are put to practice. With many good goals in life, there are 1000 ways to deviate, leaving a narrow and straight path to reach the desired destination. Unmet new year resolutions are a classic example of how we desire to get rid of bad habits and to create new good habits but the flesh is weak and the self-control lacking.

Having said that, there are still many ways to stay on the narrow and straight path if we understand the root principles. It is a little like pottery, in the sense that there are many techniques to make the same cup and we have freedom to explore which techniques are more suited to our own temperaments and circumstances.

Because of our family members` health challenges over the years, we have gained some understanding of what works and what doesn`t work (and we are still trying to get more healthy ourselves too!).

Emotions play such a big part and this is known but still overlooked. Perhaps it needs to be explicitly stated in the prescription! E.g. laugh heartily for as many times a day, avoid being triggered with anger, let go of unforgiveness, and do not worry etc.

In this rainy season where skies are dark and gloomy, may we each find our piece of sunshine wherever we are. Look at the flowers of the field, look at the birds of the air, look at beauty in nature that refreshes our spirits and which teaches us about the cycles of life and death.

Each day is a gift of life and may we learn from the hearty laughs of children that wonder and joy can be found in the smallest of things. May God bless you and heal you in your area of need.


Today, a student wanted to replicate a vase, so I decided to do a quick demo for her. First one actually collapsed, much to my embarrassment! But it was so refreshing to get back on the wheel again after the school holidays, and we had a great time practicing our observation of forms and figuring out how to copy a shape as accurately as possible without measuring tools. And at least the second attempt turned out well!

When I started making vessels, I would tell myself that every piece is unique, so I don't have to try too hard to make things look the same. But I've since also discovered a joy in reproducing forms, the same way that I enjoyed copying pictures as a young child. There's a satisfaction in seeing how a vessel gradually morphs into the right proportions with just a little touch here and there. And also a deeper satisfaction that after a decade of doing pottery as a full time job, I still enjoy the feel of clay in my hands!

Today, a student wanted to replicate a vase, so I decided to do a quick demo for her. First one actually collapsed, much to my embarrassment! But it was so refreshing to get back on the wheel again after the school holidays, and we had a great time practicing our observation of forms and figuring out how to copy a shape as accurately as possible without measuring tools. And at least the second attempt turned out well!

When I started making vessels, I would tell myself that every piece is unique, so I don`t have to try too hard to make things look the same. But I`ve since also discovered a joy in reproducing forms, the same way that I enjoyed copying pictures as a young child. There`s a satisfaction in seeing how a vessel gradually morphs into the right proportions with just a little touch here and there. And also a deeper satisfaction that after a decade of doing pottery as a full time job, I still enjoy the feel of clay in my hands!

Every time we go to the playground or beach, my hands itch to make something. This time, it's a chubby sand man (ok maybe sand troll) carved from the sides of a giant trench created by my boy and two other kids (good practice for their future National Service!). Didn't have time to refine him because of the looming rain, but it was still a valiant effort! 

My index finger was also in pain for the next few days due to bruising from the frantic digging. But worth it! May we always discover beauty in the things around us, and may we always find the time to enjoy it!

Every time we go to the playground or beach, my hands itch to make something. This time, it`s a chubby sand man (ok maybe sand troll) carved from the sides of a giant trench created by my boy and two other kids (good practice for their future National Service!). Didn`t have time to refine him because of the looming rain, but it was still a valiant effort!

My index finger was also in pain for the next few days due to bruising from the frantic digging. But worth it! May we always discover beauty in the things around us, and may we always find the time to enjoy it!

Today we bid goodbye to our two kilns after almost 10 years. Over the past month, each of them malfunctioned in ways that would be too expensive to fix, and after some valiant attempts at troubleshooting, we decided that it was time to get a new one.

Looking back, I must say that these kilns have been, more than anything else, a testament of my parents' love for me. Although back then it was so hard for them to understand our decision to start our studio, they nevertheless gifted us our first kiln, without which we couldn't have set up a home studio! And if not for our home studio which showed us a different way to live our lives, we would probably not have become parents ourselves!

This has given us an important lesson. As parents, we certainly have hopes for our son, and in many areas I'm sure he would choose paths that are different from what we hope for. Some may amaze us, some may disappoint us, some may worry us. Of course, we will try our best to point him in the direction we feel is right, but at the end of the day, I must still hold on to the wisdom of the Bible - "Fathers, do not exasperate your children". Wherever he goes, I want Tobie to know that we will always be behind him, supporting him and cheering him on. So that whenever he needs a word of comfort, or encouragement, or wisdom, there is always going to be a safe harbour to return to.

A whole decade has passed since our first kiln arrived. We are still doing what we do, still the same studio as before, but one that has walked a beautiful journey that hopefully is still in its infancy. Grateful to these two kilns for accompanying us along the way, and for the thousands of beautiful vessels that have emerged out of their crucible.

Today we bid goodbye to our two kilns after almost 10 years. Over the past month, each of them malfunctioned in ways that would be too expensive to fix, and after some valiant attempts at troubleshooting, we decided that it was time to get a new one.

Looking back, I must say that these kilns have been, more than anything else, a testament of my parents` love for me. Although back then it was so hard for them to understand our decision to start our studio, they nevertheless gifted us our first kiln, without which we couldn`t have set up a home studio! And if not for our home studio which showed us a different way to live our lives, we would probably not have become parents ourselves!

This has given us an important lesson. As parents, we certainly have hopes for our son, and in many areas I`m sure he would choose paths that are different from what we hope for. Some may amaze us, some may disappoint us, some may worry us. Of course, we will try our best to point him in the direction we feel is right, but at the end of the day, I must still hold on to the wisdom of the Bible - "Fathers, do not exasperate your children". Wherever he goes, I want Tobie to know that we will always be behind him, supporting him and cheering him on. So that whenever he needs a word of comfort, or encouragement, or wisdom, there is always going to be a safe harbour to return to.

A whole decade has passed since our first kiln arrived. We are still doing what we do, still the same studio as before, but one that has walked a beautiful journey that hopefully is still in its infancy. Grateful to these two kilns for accompanying us along the way, and for the thousands of beautiful vessels that have emerged out of their crucible.

How long does it take to mould a pot? It depends a lot on the complexity and your skill level:) 

How long does it take to shape lives? Well, it certainly takes a whole lot longer! 

For the last two months, we have been cycling to meet our 200km goal in our fundraising campaign for a local charity @bcaresg. They have been serving the community since 1996 through an extensive range of services to children, youths, seniors, families and persons with mental health conditions. 

Today, we (Kenneth & Huiwen) just cleared our individual cycling target of 200km! As a bonus, Tobie also did his part with a total of 29km 🎉🎉🎉

The fundraising target for Bcare is only fulfilled halfway. If you have received much goodness in your life and would like to pay it forward and bless those in need, we would like to invite you to join in the good work by donating any amount you are comfortable with! 

You can check out more details about the campaign (till end Nov) from the link in our profile above/comments section. 

May God bless you as you bless others:) 

#strideforgood #giving #volunteering #bcare #studiolife #shapinglives

How long does it take to mould a pot? It depends a lot on the complexity and your skill level:)

How long does it take to shape lives? Well, it certainly takes a whole lot longer!

For the last two months, we have been cycling to meet our 200km goal in our fundraising campaign for a local charity @bcaresg. They have been serving the community since 1996 through an extensive range of services to children, youths, seniors, families and persons with mental health conditions.

Today, we (Kenneth & Huiwen) just cleared our individual cycling target of 200km! As a bonus, Tobie also did his part with a total of 29km 🎉🎉🎉

The fundraising target for Bcare is only fulfilled halfway. If you have received much goodness in your life and would like to pay it forward and bless those in need, we would like to invite you to join in the good work by donating any amount you are comfortable with!

You can check out more details about the campaign (till end Nov) from the link in our profile above/comments section.

May God bless you as you bless others:)

#strideforgood #giving #volunteering #bcare #studiolife #shapinglives

The wind rises and falls;
I glance back, yet look forward 
I'm glad our paths crossed

There are 1001 ways to live out our lives. Do you find that the most impactful memories are likely to do with people? 

Perhaps it was an author whose words were passed along through the ages. Perhaps it was someone who showed you kindness when you least expected it. Perhaps it was someone that inspired you to see the world from a fresh angle. Perhaps it was a mentor who showed you the ropes and made life more bearable. 

As people leave their marks on our minds and hearts, we are shaped and moulded in that process. For better or worse. Are we happy with the likeness we are growing into? May the answer be so:)

#sakeset #handmade #pottery #ceramics #madeinsg #reflections #life #studioasobi

The wind rises and falls;
I glance back, yet look forward
I`m glad our paths crossed

There are 1001 ways to live out our lives. Do you find that the most impactful memories are likely to do with people?

Perhaps it was an author whose words were passed along through the ages. Perhaps it was someone who showed you kindness when you least expected it. Perhaps it was someone that inspired you to see the world from a fresh angle. Perhaps it was a mentor who showed you the ropes and made life more bearable.

As people leave their marks on our minds and hearts, we are shaped and moulded in that process. For better or worse. Are we happy with the likeness we are growing into? May the answer be so:)

#sakeset #handmade #pottery #ceramics #madeinsg #reflections #life #studioasobi

We are so thankful for your precious and generous support of our recent seconds sale at @rogerandsons which raised a total of $768 that will fully go into our ground-up fund to plug urgent gaps in funding for cases referred by @healthservesg. 

From 2019-2024, this fund (supported by a network of friends and family and now you too) has helped 45 individual migrant brothers for needs ranging from S$50 to a few hundred. 

You see, we do not have to pay a big amount of money to secure our jobs here in Singapore. We are extremely fortunate to have this privilege! Recruitment agent fees charge Bangladeshi workers typically S$13-16,000 for their first job in Singapore. Imagine paying this amount just to have a chance at a better life for your family. This typically results in hefty loans with hefty interest rates and if all things go well, they can start saving up a little once the loans are paid off. 

However, if you become injured and cannot work, your woes and nightmares start to pile up. Your family would not only struggle to eat as you are the main income bringer but they can get harassed by creditors. While trying to get your work injury compensation amidst disputes with employers or assessment processes, you need to wait and is stuck in limbo. It is an extremely stressful situation that many workers face and thankfully we have organisations like Healthserve who help them (please support their work!). 

We do not have the means to help everyone nor to help them completely but we can each choose to contribute a little in building a better and kinder society for everyone's benefit. It can start as simply as smiling and being nice to the migrant workers who come into your path and being nice to your colleagues and fellow neighbours. Little by little, we choose grace instead of animosity. 

Thank you all once again! We are so encouraged:) 

#migrants #healthserve #culturecare #giving #grace #bettercommunity #studiolife

We are so thankful for your precious and generous support of our recent seconds sale at @rogerandsons which raised a total of $768 that will fully go into our ground-up fund to plug urgent gaps in funding for cases referred by @healthservesg.

From 2019-2024, this fund (supported by a network of friends and family and now you too) has helped 45 individual migrant brothers for needs ranging from S$50 to a few hundred.

You see, we do not have to pay a big amount of money to secure our jobs here in Singapore. We are extremely fortunate to have this privilege! Recruitment agent fees charge Bangladeshi workers typically S$13-16,000 for their first job in Singapore. Imagine paying this amount just to have a chance at a better life for your family. This typically results in hefty loans with hefty interest rates and if all things go well, they can start saving up a little once the loans are paid off.

However, if you become injured and cannot work, your woes and nightmares start to pile up. Your family would not only struggle to eat as you are the main income bringer but they can get harassed by creditors. While trying to get your work injury compensation amidst disputes with employers or assessment processes, you need to wait and is stuck in limbo. It is an extremely stressful situation that many workers face and thankfully we have organisations like Healthserve who help them (please support their work!).

We do not have the means to help everyone nor to help them completely but we can each choose to contribute a little in building a better and kinder society for everyone`s benefit. It can start as simply as smiling and being nice to the migrant workers who come into your path and being nice to your colleagues and fellow neighbours. Little by little, we choose grace instead of animosity.

Thank you all once again! We are so encouraged:)

#migrants #healthserve #culturecare #giving #grace #bettercommunity #studiolife

Just a simple bowl we made some time ago - loved the colour but just didn't know what to do with it so it was just sitting on our shelf for years! Really thankful to @rogerandsons for inviting us to their Offcuts & Rejects sale, so that this bowl and many of our other "seconds" could be seen by others! We drilled a hole into this bowl so that it can serve as a flower pot, and I can now proudly say that I know how to drill into ceramic!

Thank you also to the new friend who bought this and promptly placed a Big Foot plant in it for her grandpa! Such a beautiful picture for us as potters, to see our creation being repurposed and given a new lease of life! 

This little experience also reminded me of our Master Potter, who takes the offcuts and rejects and seconds of this world, and makes us His own. Loving us and purposing us for His glory. After all, He is the one who made us, and we are His masterpieces even if we have been told otherwise along the way!

Just a simple bowl we made some time ago - loved the colour but just didn`t know what to do with it so it was just sitting on our shelf for years! Really thankful to @rogerandsons for inviting us to their Offcuts & Rejects sale, so that this bowl and many of our other "seconds" could be seen by others! We drilled a hole into this bowl so that it can serve as a flower pot, and I can now proudly say that I know how to drill into ceramic!

Thank you also to the new friend who bought this and promptly placed a Big Foot plant in it for her grandpa! Such a beautiful picture for us as potters, to see our creation being repurposed and given a new lease of life!

This little experience also reminded me of our Master Potter, who takes the offcuts and rejects and seconds of this world, and makes us His own. Loving us and purposing us for His glory. After all, He is the one who made us, and we are His masterpieces even if we have been told otherwise along the way!

All set up at @rogerandsons for the sale event happening from tomorrow (21/9) till 28/9! We have selected a range of re-purposed pots (to grow greens in) and "pot-otypes" for you to take home at exclusive marked down prices:) 

All proceeds are pledged towards our ground-up Hand in Hand fund, a collaboration with @healthservesg to help injured migrant workers, so you are also more than welcome to give more than the set prices! Just reference "hands" in the transfer field and/or DM us to find out more about this initiative:) 

Have fun browsing through the other things on offer during the event too! We won't be manning the booth as we have classes and retreats to run. If you are keen to try out pottery or a spiritual retreat, you can check out our website for more details. 

Have a great weekend ahead, folks! 

#pottery #potterysale #sustainability #repurposing #clay

All set up at @rogerandsons for the sale event happening from tomorrow (21/9) till 28/9! We have selected a range of re-purposed pots (to grow greens in) and "pot-otypes" for you to take home at exclusive marked down prices:)

All proceeds are pledged towards our ground-up Hand in Hand fund, a collaboration with @healthservesg to help injured migrant workers, so you are also more than welcome to give more than the set prices! Just reference "hands" in the transfer field and/or DM us to find out more about this initiative:)

Have fun browsing through the other things on offer during the event too! We won`t be manning the booth as we have classes and retreats to run. If you are keen to try out pottery or a spiritual retreat, you can check out our website for more details.

Have a great weekend ahead, folks!

#pottery #potterysale #sustainability #repurposing #clay

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